Trash Dumpster Covers
Affected Facilities and Management Practices
BMPs are found at metropolitan and district facilities and they are operational where there are waste, scrap, trash or debris.
- All trash container covers should be closed always, except when putting or removing waste materials.
- Waste receptacles like cans should be leak tight with fitting lids or covers.
- Do not put liquid substance in a dumpster or trash container.
- Outdoor trash containers should be put in places of low elevation, but should not be left near storm drains or ditches.
- Trash container should be kept indoors or under a roof whenever possible.
- Surroundings of outdoor trash containers should be swept regularly and immediately before a storm.
- If you must wash the container, do not wash them outdoor.
- Trash container should be returned to owners for cleaning at their facility.
- Wastewater generated at a field facility should be disposed properly into a sanitary sewer or taken to a disposal site that is able to receive such type of wastewater.

Portable Dumpster Covers
Every portable dumpster covers with challenges of any kind should be treated seriously. first check for leakage and replace, repair or return back damaged dumpsters to the appropriate waste management company. Missing or poorly fitted lids or cover on portable containers should be repaired or replaced immediately. dumpster container should be leak-tight and equipped with covers to aid in the fight against trash, solid or liquid, materials from leaking. To ensure a safe and friendly working environment, “Keep It Clean Storm Drain” should be inscribed on all storm drains inlet. This will make all employee cautious and not to dispose materials or waste carelessly.

Mesh Dumpster Covers
mesh dumpster covers are preferable in ensuring leak tightness for dumpsters. Leaking dumpsters should be returned to the owner for replacement. for a safe and healthy environment, your waste should be picked at the appropriate time and by an approved disposal facility. Once you notice your waste are exceeding the capacity of your trash can, it is advice-able to either get a new dumpster or increase the amount of pick up. if dumpster with mesh covers are used in public, it should be washed at a sink or floor drain to enable the wastewater to enter sanitary sewer. During working hours, waste should be dumped at the appropriate container in the surrounding office/work site. In the absence of trash containers, bags should be used and taken back to base for appropriate disposal.